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Why choose us

Boosted Technologies is committed to full but optimised utilization of available natural resources like land, Lithium, Water, Human as a Resource, Money as a resource among other vital basic inputs to study, make research to understand our communities better, identify challenges so as to develop long-standing but efficient technology solutions.
Many ideas grow better when transplanted into other people's minds than the ones where they sprung up. We are less focused on hierarchy but more on encouraging diversity of thought from all our stakeholders regardless of their job titles and relationship with the company. This has always encouraged idealization as everyone in our network is given the power to study the environment, open up to communal situations and develop ideas that we study and formulate technology based solutions.

Attention to Details

Possession of anything always begins in the minds. It is with the many details we know about the subject let it be a problem or implementation that we base on to create reliable technology based solutions. We detest to operate on hear say but collect facts. The factual analysis has always been a scientific way of studying patterns drawing unstructured questions whose answers help us to design what we believe are cool sustainable technology based solutions.

A Plan for Success

Good plans shape good decisions. That is why good planning has helped us make elusive dreams and ideas come true. We always prepare before putting our hands on anything and this has always driven us to success.


Our prime condition of sucess is concentration our energies, thoughts and capital exclusively upon the businesses we are engaged in. For whatever we put our hands, we resolve to fight it out on that line, to lead it, adopt every improvement and have the most knowledge about such business or solutions,


We believe we cannot make it as wandering generalities but instead becoming meaningful specifics. We there come up with sub companies for such specific solutions / products for proper resources utilization.


Boosted Technologies is like a living organism which has to continue to shed its skin, adjust its implementation methods, change its focus, modify values and the sum of all those totaling to transformation.

Team Building

Nothing can ever stop us from achieving our set goals and objectives as long as our mental attitude towards achieving such goals is right and positive. Neither can we achieve anything as long as our Attitude is wrong / negative.
Just like a small fire makes a small amount of heat, so is a weak desire. It will always give weak results. Our start point has always been not by hope nor wish but with strong desire to transform how people relate and interact with technology by use of technology.

Communicate with us

Ping us, we pong back always.